VQF Class

typedef double vqf_real_t

Typedef for the floating-point data type used for most operations.

By default, all floating-point calculations are performed using double. Set the VQF_SINGLE_PRECISION define to change this type to float. Note that the Butterworth filter implementation will always use double precision as using floats can cause numeric issues.

class VQF

A Versatile Quaternion-based Filter for IMU Orientation Estimation.

This class implements the orientation estimation filter described in the following publication:

D. Laidig and T. Seel. “VQF: Highly Accurate IMU Orientation Estimation with Bias Estimation and Magnetic Disturbance Rejection.” Information Fusion 2023, 91, 187–204. doi:10.1016/j.inffus.2022.10.014. [Accepted manuscript available at arXiv:2203.17024.]

The filter can perform simultaneous 6D (magnetometer-free) and 9D (gyr+acc+mag) sensor fusion and can also be used without magnetometer data. It performs rest detection, gyroscope bias estimation during rest and motion, and magnetic disturbance detection and rejection. Different sampling rates for gyroscopes, accelerometers, and magnetometers are supported as well. While in most cases, the defaults will be reasonable, the algorithm can be influenced via a number of tuning parameters.

To use this C++ implementation,

  1. create a instance of the class and provide the sampling time and, optionally, parameters

  2. for every sample, call one of the update functions to feed the algorithm with IMU data

  3. access the estimation results with getQuat6D(), getQuat9D() and the other getter methods.

If the full data is available in (row-major) data buffers, you can use updateBatch().

This class is the main C++ implementation of the algorithm. Depending on use case and programming language of choice, the following alternatives might be useful:

Full Version

Basic Version

Offline Version


VQF (this class)



Python/C++ (fast)




Pure Python (slow)


Pure Matlab (slow)


Public Functions

VQF(vqf_real_t gyrTs, vqf_real_t accTs = -1.0, vqf_real_t magTs = -1.0)

Initializes the object with default parameters.

In the most common case (using the default parameters and all data being sampled with the same frequency, create the class like this:

VQF vqf(0.01); // 0.01 s sampling time, i.e. 100 Hz

  • gyrTs – sampling time of the gyroscope measurements in seconds

  • accTs – sampling time of the accelerometer measurements in seconds (the value of gyrTs is used if set to -1)

  • magTs – sampling time of the magnetometer measurements in seconds (the value of gyrTs is used if set to -1)

VQF(const VQFParams &params, vqf_real_t gyrTs, vqf_real_t accTs = -1.0, vqf_real_t magTs = -1.0)

Initializes the object with custom parameters.

Example code to create an object with magnetic disturbance rejection disabled:

VQFParams params;
params.magDistRejectionEnabled = false;
VQF vqf(0.01); // 0.01 s sampling time, i.e. 100 Hz

  • paramsVQFParams struct containing the desired parameters

  • gyrTs – sampling time of the gyroscope measurements in seconds

  • accTs – sampling time of the accelerometer measurements in seconds (the value of gyrTs is used if set to -1)

  • magTs – sampling time of the magnetometer measurements in seconds (the value of gyrTs is used if set to -1)

void updateGyr(const vqf_real_t gyr[3])

Performs gyroscope update step.

It is only necessary to call this function directly if gyroscope, accelerometers and magnetometers have different sampling rates. Otherwise, simply use update().


gyr – gyroscope measurement in rad/s

void updateAcc(const vqf_real_t acc[3])

Performs accelerometer update step.

It is only necessary to call this function directly if gyroscope, accelerometers and magnetometers have different sampling rates. Otherwise, simply use update().

Should be called after updateGyr and before updateMag.


acc – accelerometer measurement in m/s²

void updateMag(const vqf_real_t mag[3])

Performs magnetometer update step.

It is only necessary to call this function directly if gyroscope, accelerometers and magnetometers have different sampling rates. Otherwise, simply use update().

Should be called after updateAcc.


mag – magnetometer measurement in arbitrary units

void update(const vqf_real_t gyr[3], const vqf_real_t acc[3])

Performs filter update step for one sample (magnetometer-free).

  • gyr – gyroscope measurement in rad/s

  • acc – accelerometer measurement in m/s²

void update(const vqf_real_t gyr[3], const vqf_real_t acc[3], const vqf_real_t mag[3])

Performs filter update step for one sample (with magnetometer measurement).

  • gyr – gyroscope measurement in rad/s

  • acc – accelerometer measurement in m/s²

  • mag – magnetometer measurement in arbitrary units

void updateBatch(const vqf_real_t gyr[], const vqf_real_t acc[], const vqf_real_t mag[], size_t N, vqf_real_t out6D[], vqf_real_t out9D[], vqf_real_t outDelta[], vqf_real_t outBias[], vqf_real_t outBiasSigma[], bool outRest[], bool outMagDist[])

Performs batch update for multiple samples at once.

In order to use this function, the input data must be available in an array in row-major order. A null pointer can be passed for mag in order to skip the magnetometer update. All data must have the same sampling rate.

The output pointer arguments must be null pointers or point to sufficiently large data buffers.

Example usage:

int N = 1000;
double gyr[N*3]; // fill with gyroscope measurements in rad/s
double acc[N*3]; // fill will accelerometer measurements in m/s²
double mag[N*3]; // fill with magnetometer measurements (arbitrary units)
double quat9D[N*4]; // output buffer

VQF vqf(0.01); // 0.01 s sampling time, i.e. 100 Hz
vqf.updateBatch(gyr, acc, mag, nullptr, quat9D, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);

  • gyr – gyroscope measurement in rad/s (N*3 elements, must not be null)

  • acc – accelerometer measurement in m/s² (N*3 elements, must not be null)

  • mag – magnetometer measurement in arbitrary units (N*3 elements, can be a null pointer)

  • N – number of samples

  • out6D – output buffer for the 6D quaternion (N*4 elements, can be a null pointer)

  • out9D – output buffer for the 9D quaternion (N*4 elements, can be a null pointer)

  • outDelta – output buffer for heading difference angle (N elements, can be a null pointer)

  • outBias – output buffer for the gyroscope bias estimate (N*3 elements, can be a null pointer)

  • outBiasSigma – output buffer for the bias estimation uncertainty (N elements, can be a null pointer)

  • outRest – output buffer for the rest detection state (N elements, can be a null pointer)

  • outMagDist – output buffer for the magnetic disturbance state (N elements, can be a null pointer)

void getQuat3D(vqf_real_t out[4]) const

Returns the angular velocity strapdown integration quaternion \(^{\mathcal{S}_i}_{\mathcal{I}_i}\mathbf{q}\).


out – output array for the quaternion

void getQuat6D(vqf_real_t out[4]) const

Returns the 6D (magnetometer-free) orientation quaternion \(^{\mathcal{S}_i}_{\mathcal{E}_i}\mathbf{q}\).


out – output array for the quaternion

void getQuat9D(vqf_real_t out[4]) const

Returns the 9D (with magnetometers) orientation quaternion \(^{\mathcal{S}_i}_{\mathcal{E}}\mathbf{q}\).


out – output array for the quaternion

vqf_real_t getDelta() const

Returns the heading difference \(\delta\) between \(\mathcal{E}_i\) and \(\mathcal{E}\).

\(^{\mathcal{E}_i}_{\mathcal{E}}\mathbf{q} = \begin{bmatrix}\cos\frac{\delta}{2} & 0 & 0 & \sin\frac{\delta}{2}\end{bmatrix}^T\).


delta angle in rad (VQFState::delta)

vqf_real_t getBiasEstimate(vqf_real_t out[3]) const

Returns the current gyroscope bias estimate and the uncertainty.

The returned standard deviation sigma represents the estimation uncertainty in the worst direction and is based on an upper bound of the largest eigenvalue of the covariance matrix.


out – output array for the gyroscope bias estimate (rad/s)


standard deviation sigma of the estimation uncertainty (rad/s)

void setBiasEstimate(vqf_real_t bias[3], vqf_real_t sigma = -1.0)

Sets the current gyroscope bias estimate and the uncertainty.

If a value for the uncertainty sigma is given, the covariance matrix is set to a corresponding scaled identity matrix.

  • bias – gyroscope bias estimate (rad/s)

  • sigma – standard deviation of the estimation uncertainty (rad/s) - set to -1 (default) in order to not change the estimation covariance matrix

bool getRestDetected() const

Returns true if rest was detected.

bool getMagDistDetected() const

Returns true if a disturbed magnetic field was detected.

void getRelativeRestDeviations(vqf_real_t out[2]) const

Returns the relative deviations used in rest detection.

Looking at those values can be useful to understand how rest detection is working and which thresholds are suitable. The output array is filled with the last values for gyroscope and accelerometer, relative to the threshold. In order for rest to be detected, both values must stay below 1.


out – output array of size 2 for the relative rest deviations

vqf_real_t getMagRefNorm() const

Returns the norm of the currently accepted magnetic field reference.

vqf_real_t getMagRefDip() const

Returns the dip angle of the currently accepted magnetic field reference.

void setMagRef(vqf_real_t norm, vqf_real_t dip)

Overwrites the current magnetic field reference.

  • norm – norm of the magnetic field reference

  • dip – dip angle of the magnetic field reference

void setTauAcc(vqf_real_t tauAcc)

Sets the time constant for accelerometer low-pass filtering.

For more details, see VQFParams.tauAcc.


tauAcc – time constant \(\tau_\mathrm{acc}\) in seconds

void setTauMag(vqf_real_t tauMag)

Sets the time constant for the magnetometer update.

For more details, see VQFParams.tauMag.


tauMag – time constant \(\tau_\mathrm{mag}\) in seconds

void setMotionBiasEstEnabled(bool enabled)

Enables/disabled gyroscope bias estimation during motion.

void setRestBiasEstEnabled(bool enabled)

Enables/disables rest detection and bias estimation during rest.

void setMagDistRejectionEnabled(bool enabled)

Enables/disables magnetic disturbance detection and rejection.

void setRestDetectionThresholds(vqf_real_t thGyr, vqf_real_t thAcc)

Sets the current thresholds for rest detection.

For details about the parameters, see VQFParams.restThGyr and VQFParams.restThAcc.

const VQFParams &getParams() const

Returns the current parameters.

const VQFCoefficients &getCoeffs() const

Returns the coefficients used by the algorithm.

const VQFState &getState() const

Returns the current state.

void setState(const VQFState &state)

Overwrites the current state.

This method allows to set a completely arbitrary filter state and is intended for debugging purposes. In combination with getState, individual elements of the state can be modified.


state – A VQFState struct containing the new state

void resetState()

Resets the state to the default values at initialization.

Resetting the state is equivalent to creating a new instance of this class.

Public Static Functions

static void quatMultiply(const vqf_real_t q1[4], const vqf_real_t q2[4], vqf_real_t out[4])

Performs quaternion multiplication ( \(\mathbf{q}_\mathrm{out} = \mathbf{q}_1 \otimes \mathbf{q}_2\)).

static void quatConj(const vqf_real_t q[4], vqf_real_t out[4])

Calculates the quaternion conjugate ( \(\mathbf{q}_\mathrm{out} = \mathbf{q}^*\)).

static void quatSetToIdentity(vqf_real_t out[4])

Sets the output quaternion to the identity quaternion ( \(\mathbf{q}_\mathrm{out} = \begin{bmatrix}1 & 0 & 0 & 0\end{bmatrix}\)).

static void quatApplyDelta(vqf_real_t q[4], vqf_real_t delta, vqf_real_t out[4])

Applies a heading rotation by the angle delta (in rad) to a quaternion.

\(\mathbf{q}_\mathrm{out} = \begin{bmatrix}\cos\frac{\delta}{2} & 0 & 0 & \sin\frac{\delta}{2}\end{bmatrix} \otimes \mathbf{q}\)

static void quatRotate(const vqf_real_t q[4], const vqf_real_t v[3], vqf_real_t out[3])

Rotates a vector with a given quaternion.

\(\begin{bmatrix}0 & \mathbf{v}_\mathrm{out}\end{bmatrix} = \mathbf{q} \otimes \begin{bmatrix}0 & \mathbf{v}\end{bmatrix} \otimes \mathbf{q}^*\)

static vqf_real_t norm(const vqf_real_t vec[], size_t N)

Calculates the Euclidean norm of a vector.

  • vec – pointer to an array of N elements

  • N – number of elements

static void normalize(vqf_real_t vec[], size_t N)

Normalizes a vector in-place.

  • vec – pointer to an array of N elements that will be normalized

  • N – number of elements

static void clip(vqf_real_t vec[], size_t N, vqf_real_t min, vqf_real_t max)

Clips a vector in-place.

  • vec – pointer to an array of N elements that will be clipped

  • N – number of elements

  • min – smallest allowed value

  • max – largest allowed value

static vqf_real_t gainFromTau(vqf_real_t tau, vqf_real_t Ts)

Calculates the gain for a first-order low-pass filter from the 1/e time constant.

\(k = 1 - \exp\left(-\frac{T_\mathrm{s}}{\tau}\right)\)

The cutoff frequency of the resulting filter is \(f_\mathrm{c} = \frac{1}{2\pi\tau}\).

  • tau – time constant \(\tau\) in seconds - use -1 to disable update ( \(k=0\)) or 0 to obtain unfiltered values ( \(k=1\))

  • Ts – sampling time \(T_\mathrm{s}\) in seconds


filter gain k

static void filterCoeffs(vqf_real_t tau, vqf_real_t Ts, double outB[3], double outA[2])

Calculates coefficients for a second-order Butterworth low-pass filter.

The filter is parametrized via the time constant of the dampened, non-oscillating part of step response and the resulting cutoff frequency is \(f_\mathrm{c} = \frac{\sqrt{2}}{2\pi\tau}\).

  • tau – time constant \(\tau\) in seconds

  • Ts – sampling time \(T_\mathrm{s}\) in seconds

  • outB – output array for numerator coefficients

  • outA – output array for denominator coefficients (without \(a_0=1\))

static void filterInitialState(vqf_real_t x0, const double b[], const double a[], double out[2])

Calculates the initial filter state for a given steady-state value.

  • x0 – steady state value

  • b – numerator coefficients

  • a – denominator coefficients (without \(a_0=1\))

  • out – output array for filter state

static void filterAdaptStateForCoeffChange(vqf_real_t last_y[], size_t N, const double b_old[3], const double a_old[2], const double b_new[3], const double a_new[2], double state[])

Adjusts the filter state when changing coefficients.

This function assumes that the filter is currently in a steady state, i.e. the last input values and the last output values are all equal. Based on this, the filter state is adjusted to new filter coefficients so that the output does not jump.

  • last_y – last filter output values (array of size N)

  • N – number of values in vector-valued signal

  • b_old – previous numerator coefficients

  • a_old – previous denominator coefficients (without \(a_0=1\))

  • b_new – new numerator coefficients

  • a_new – new denominator coefficients (without \(a_0=1\))

  • state – filter state (array of size N*2, will be modified)

static vqf_real_t filterStep(vqf_real_t x, const double b[3], const double a[2], double state[2])

Performs a filter step for a scalar value.

  • x – input value

  • b – numerator coefficients

  • a – denominator coefficients (without \(a_0=1\))

  • state – filter state array (will be modified)


filtered value

static void filterVec(const vqf_real_t x[], size_t N, vqf_real_t tau, vqf_real_t Ts, const double b[3], const double a[2], double state[], vqf_real_t out[])

Performs filter step for vector-valued signal with averaging-based initialization.

During the first \(\tau\) seconds, the filter output is the mean of the previous samples. At \(t=\tau\), the initial conditions for the low-pass filter are calculated based on the current mean value and from then on, regular filtering with the rational transfer function described by the coefficients b and a is performed.

  • x – input values (array of size N)

  • N – number of values in vector-valued signal

  • tau – filter time constant \(\tau\) in seconds (used for initialization)

  • Ts – sampling time \(T_\mathrm{s}\) in seconds (used for initialization)

  • b – numerator coefficients

  • a – denominator coefficients (without \(a_0=1\))

  • state – filter state (array of size N*2, will be modified)

  • out – output array for filtered values (size N)

static void matrix3SetToScaledIdentity(vqf_real_t scale, vqf_real_t out[9])

Sets a 3x3 matrix to a scaled version of the identity matrix.

  • scale – value of diagonal elements

  • out – output array of size 9 (3x3 matrix stored in row-major order)

static void matrix3Multiply(const vqf_real_t in1[9], const vqf_real_t in2[9], vqf_real_t out[9])

Performs 3x3 matrix multiplication ( \(\mathbf{M}_\mathrm{out} = \mathbf{M}_1\mathbf{M}_2\)).

  • in1 – input 3x3 matrix \(\mathbf{M}_1\) (stored in row-major order)

  • in2 – input 3x3 matrix \(\mathbf{M}_2\) (stored in row-major order)

  • out – output 3x3 matrix \(\mathbf{M}_\mathrm{out}\) (stored in row-major order)

static void matrix3MultiplyTpsFirst(const vqf_real_t in1[9], const vqf_real_t in2[9], vqf_real_t out[9])

Performs 3x3 matrix multiplication after transposing the first matrix ( \(\mathbf{M}_\mathrm{out} = \mathbf{M}_1^T\mathbf{M}_2\)).

  • in1 – input 3x3 matrix \(\mathbf{M}_1\) (stored in row-major order)

  • in2 – input 3x3 matrix \(\mathbf{M}_2\) (stored in row-major order)

  • out – output 3x3 matrix \(\mathbf{M}_\mathrm{out}\) (stored in row-major order)

static void matrix3MultiplyTpsSecond(const vqf_real_t in1[9], const vqf_real_t in2[9], vqf_real_t out[9])

Performs 3x3 matrix multiplication after transposing the second matrix ( \(\mathbf{M}_\mathrm{out} = \mathbf{M}_1\mathbf{M}_2^T\)).

  • in1 – input 3x3 matrix \(\mathbf{M}_1\) (stored in row-major order)

  • in2 – input 3x3 matrix \(\mathbf{M}_2\) (stored in row-major order)

  • out – output 3x3 matrix \(\mathbf{M}_\mathrm{out}\) (stored in row-major order)

static bool matrix3Inv(const vqf_real_t in[9], vqf_real_t out[9])

Calculates the inverse of a 3x3 matrix ( \(\mathbf{M}_\mathrm{out} = \mathbf{M}^{-1}\)).

  • in – input 3x3 matrix \(\mathbf{M}\) (stored in row-major order)

  • out – output 3x3 matrix \(\mathbf{M}_\mathrm{out}\) (stored in row-major order)

Protected Functions

void setup()

Calculates coefficients based on parameters and sampling rates.

Protected Attributes

VQFParams params

Contains the current parameters.

See getParams. To set parameters, pass them to the constructor. Part of the parameters can be changed with setTauAcc, setTauMag, setMotionBiasEstEnabled, setRestBiasEstEnabled, setMagDistRejectionEnabled, and setRestDetectionThresholds.

VQFState state

Contains the current state.

See getState, getState and resetState.

VQFCoefficients coeffs

Contains the current coefficients (calculated in setup).

See getCoeffs.